‘As We Begin, So Shall We Go’: FOSIL as Means to a ‘Transcendent and Honourable End’

How to Cite

‘As We Begin, So Shall We Go’: FOSIL as Means to a ‘Transcendent and Honourable End’. (2024). Synergy, 22(1). https://www.slav.vic.edu.au/index.php/Synergy/article/view/782


Philosophically, FOSIL (Framework Of Skills for Inquiry Learning ) is an evolving theory
of the inquiry-centred instructional role of the school librarian through which the
school library becomes integral to the educational process, properly understood. In
doing so, school becomes integral to broader efforts to strengthen the reality-based
community of error-seeking inquirers upon which our imperilled democratic order
depends. Practically, then, FOSIL is a model of the inquiry process based on the work
of Barbara Stripling as expressed in the evolving ESIFC (Empire State Information
Fluency Continuum), which is undergirded by a PK-12 framework of learning skills –
metacognitive, cognitive, emotional, social and cultural – and a growing collection of
resources that support the systematic and progressive development engaged and
empowered inquirers within the context of subject area teaching. FOSIL is also a
community of inquiry – the FOSIL Group – focused on FOSIL, but not exclusively so.