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Library Learning Intentions and Descriptors for Ongoing Action Research. (2019). Synergy, 14(2). https://www.slav.vic.edu.au/index.php/Synergy/article/view/v142201612


Previous Learning Landscape articles by the author (Whisken, 2011 – 2016) have described the research and action learning undertaken by the Carey Library team as they provided input into the design process for the library section of the School’s $35 million Centre for Learning and Innovation. As the building was completed, and the library collection and services relocated, descriptors were developed to assist the school community understand the particular type of learning with information experience (Bruce 2008; Bruce et al, 2014) that each library space was designed to support. This in turn provides direction for students and staff as they deliberately choose the locations which will best facilitate the type of learning that they want to occur.

This article details the process of ongoing action research about whether the spaces achieve their intended purposes and provides the first in-action exploration of those descriptors – seen as the initial phase in an ongoing cycle of participatory co-design (Hughes, 2015).